Get familiar with Tremolo Harmonica - Harmonica Tabs


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Monday, December 24, 2018

Get familiar with Tremolo Harmonica

As promised, Pagoda created a topic "Learning Harmonica Online" today. This topic is only for those who do not know anything about harmonica or beginners. Hopefully this is an interesting topic for those who love harmonica but don't know how to start.

Notes before viewing this topic:
- The tutorials are mainly based on the type of Tremolo Harmonica 16, 20 or 24 holes (Butterfly, Suzuki, Chinese Harmonica ...) and C key
- You have to have a Harmonica Tremolo, maybe 16, 20 or 24 holes
- You should know a little bit about music theory (music note, beat ...)

1. About Tremolo Harmonica:

Tremolo Harmonica is a type of Harmonica that has 2 holes, usually consisting of 16, 20 and 24 holes. This is the most sold type in Vietnam because of its low price

In Vietnam, you can easily find the following Tremolo Harmonica types:
- Butterfly (Made in Taiwan): Price 100,000 - 130,000 vnd
- Winner Suzuki (made in China):
+ 16 losses: VND 70,000
+ 20 losses: VND 90,000
+ 24 losses: VND 120,000
- Suzuki (made in Japan) 24 losses: 750,000 VND
- Hohner (made in Germany) 24 holes: 350,000 VND
- Types of 24 holes (made in China): 25,000 - 40,000 VND
So which one to choose? Whichever you choose, it depends on your pocket. If you hear your songs blow, then about 70% of Winner Suzuki tree songs are 16 holes.
Features of Tremolo Harmonica:
- There are 2 holes
- If using C Key Harmonica, you can play songs with C and Am tones
- Used in many East Asian countries, suitable for traditional music, folk songs ....
- The sound is dreadful, the raft is pretty good.
- Do not play cockroach (can play Mib (Re #), Lab (Sol #) by using bend and overblow techniques)
- There are 3 promo (One eight is due to Re Mi Fa Sol La Si)

If you already have one of these Harmonica plants and have already learned about the characteristics of Tremolo Harmonica then switch to item 2.

2. Notes position on Harmonica:

Create notes of the Harmonica Tremolo 16 holes: Link

The 20-hole Tremolo Harmonica note structure:

Create notes of the Tremolo Harmonica 24 holes: Link

Thus, blowing Harmonica really only requires 3 movements:
- Blew out
- Take a breath
- Move the mouth to the position of the hole
To make it easy to remember, you just need to pay attention:
- odd numbered holes (1, 3, 5, 7 ....) are blown out, ie 3 notes: C, E, G
- Even number holes (2, 4, 6, 8 ...) are inhaled, ie D, F, A, B
- Symbol: C (Do); D (Re); E (Mi); F (Fa); G (Sol); A (La); B (Si)

- When learning to blow, you will have difficulty to determine the correct position of each hole and accurately blow each note. But according to my experience, you just need to divide Harmonica into intervals and remember which part of the trumpet. For example: Note Mi (E) will be right in the middle of Harmonica. And when blowing, you do not need to blow only one hole but you can suck at the same time 2-4 holes, as long as the note to blow is in the middle of your mouth is okay and when you blow you will blow that note is important negative, other notes will contribute to the music. For example: To blow Mi note (E), you can take 3 holes of 10, 11, and 12 at the same time so that hole 11 is the accent and the other 2 are the sound.
Most of the songs you play will fall from hole 5 to hole 20. We rarely meet any music with notes that are too low or too high. So that 5-20 holes are the most common holes.
- When you first start practicing, you should practice blowing out blowing notes, ie C (Do), E (Mi), G (Sol). When you blow, you try to listen to and belong to its sound. Practice repeating 3 C, E, G notes throughout the trumpet. After that, you test yourself by blowing any note and see what note it is. After mastering the blowing notes, you can continue the inhalation notes, ie F (Fa), A (La), D (Re), B (Si).
- Note that the distance between the holes is quite narrow so when moving you only move your mouth a little bit, otherwise it will be very easy to miss notes.

Many people think that the harmonica tremolo only plays very few cards because each one has only one key. In fact, if you are familiar with music theory, whether it is a G or D chord song ...., you will switch back to C to play on Harmonica (key C).
With a Harmonica tremolo tree, you can play a few hundred pieces of music.

3. How to hold a Harmonica and pose for a Harmonica Tremolo.

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